Why Atheists are the True Worshipers of God … (and a Call for Christian...
People often assume that we must determine whether or not God exists before we can raise the question of what this God is like. In other words, why bother with the question of the nature, attributes,...
View ArticleHow Jesus would join those who condemn “Homosexual Sin”
Ever wonder if Jesus would be out there holding a sign with those “Christians” who condemn homosexuals to hell? I think He would be … only here is the sign He would be holding: Love it? Hate it? Let...
View ArticleDid David’s Mother Commit Adultery?
As I was researching a text for my book on Calvinism, I stumbled across the Jewish tradition that David was born as the result of an alleged adulterous relationship. Have you ever heard of this idea...
View ArticleWould you give $0.50 to a homeless man? How about to a business man?
I found this video interesting. Apparently, people are much more likely to give money to a business man than they are to a homeless man. Why do you think this is? I suppose it is because people believe...
View Article6 Principles of Non-Violent Resistance
When faced with the question of how to deal with violence, most people think there are only two options: either be violent in return, OR lay down and die as a pacifist. There is, however, a third way,...
View ArticleReconciling Mark Driscoll
I am sure you have heard about Mark Driscoll and his recent resignation from Mars Hill in Seattle. This post is not really about Mark Driscoll, but about how his resignation is a symptom of a wider...
View ArticleJesus is the Elect One
Did it ever occur to you that Jesus was unregenerate? He never had to be regenerated by God because He never lacked eternal life. He always had eternal life. In fact, Jesus is eternal life (John...
View ArticleJesus Isn’t Always the Answer
Click here to comment on this article. Please share this post with others! Click the following link to read the entire post and leave a comment: → "Jesus Isn’t Always the Answer" by Jeremy Myers
View ArticleDoes Jesus Drown Babies?
Remember Andrea Yates? She is the mother who, in 2001, drowned her five children in a bathtub. She said that the devil had influenced her children, and so they needed to die. A few years later, another...
View ArticleJesus, friend of sinners and tax-collectors?
A reader recently used my “Contact Me” form on the about page to submit a Bible and Theology Question. Here is what he wrote: Hi Jeremy. Thank you for being available. It can be hard to find someone to...
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